Friday 8 June 2012


If you and your partner are both over 18, you can get married without having to get anybody’s permission, and if you and your partner are both under 18, you cannot get married.however,if you are 16 or 17 and want to get married to someone who is over 18, you will need permission from a judge (or magistrate) and permission from your parents (or guardians). Just because you or your partner is pregnant will not mean that you automatically get permission.
If the Judge or magistrate does give you permission to marry, you must marry within three months.the permission from your parents  needs to be in writing, witnessed and dated not earlier than 3 months before your wedding day,but if you cannot get your parents’/guardians’ consent you can prepare a legal document showing the facts and circumstances which make it impossible or impractical to get their consent to show that to the judge and the judge will decide.
If your parents/guardians refuse to give you consent to get married, you can apply to a Judge or magistrate to give you permission instead.
Same sex couples cannot get married, If you are in a same sex relationship, you can have a commitment ceremony and in some states you may be able to register your relationship as a domestic partnership.
If you or your partner has been married in the past, you must obtain a divorce from the Family Court or the Federal Magistrates Court.To marry someone while you are already married is a criminal offence called bigamy and is punishable by up to five years imprisonment.